minister: n.1.部长;阁员,大臣;〔pl.〕政府。2.公使;外交使节。3.【宗教】牧师;〔英国〕非国教派牧师。 ★英国国教派牧师叫 vicar, rector, curate.4.〔罕用语〕代理人。5.仆人,侍从,臣下。短语和例子the Prime M- 内阁总理,首相。 the M- for [of] Foreign Affairs 外交部长。 the M- of Defense
Speaker : prc minister of water resources wang shuchen 题目:中国水资源问题及对策
Prc minister of water resources visit hku to speak on " water resources management in china 中国水利部长访问港大主讲中国水资源问题及对策
This spring , a deputy minister of water resources called china ' s reservoirs ' time bombs ' that could threaten the lives and property of those downstream 今年春天,中国水利部一位副部长将水库比喻成会威胁到下游地区人民生命和财产的“定时炸弹” 。